In Volunteer Picks, OFJ’s Library volunteers suggest resources in the Fae Dougan
Library that have been helpful in their Jungian journey. These resources are available
for all to browse – and, in most cases, for members to borrow.
In our inaugural installment of Volunteer Picks, Nyal Ruehlen recommends Library resources pertaining to his interest in Jungian Magick. Musician and Magician, Nyal has been a Library volunteer since 2022. You can meet Nyal and other members of our steadfast corps of volunteers during routine Library hours on Saturdays.
Consider a visit to the Library to explore our extensive collection of books, journals,
and recordings. The Library is open most Saturdays (noon – 3:00 p.m.), excluding
OFJ program weekends and major holidays. The Library’s schedule is posted at:
A selection of books and recordings from the Library is also available at the
Library Table in the lobby of Unity Church at Friday lectures.