
The Oregon Friends of Jung is a community of individuals who seek to enlarge and deepen their understanding of life’s challenges and stages, with the expectation that this inner work confers a sense of shared meaning and purpose. Our members and our audience-at- large span all walks of life, all ages, and all levels of familiarity with Jungian psychology.  Our Friday Talks and Saturday Workshops are open to anyone.  We carefully choose speakers with expertise, depth and integrity to engage attendees who come with differing typologies and interests. At our programs, some attendees may enjoy meeting and conversing, while others prefer to sit quietly and undisturbed, but all share a feeling of being among others who are interested in an inner life.

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“Nothing exerts a stronger psychic effect upon the human environment, and especially upon children, than the life which the parents have not lived.”

Collected Works, Vol 15, para 4

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