Lobby Table

Posts on this page are for the OFJ community

Oregon Friends of Jung originated in 1974, when 50 individuals responded to an ad in a local paper to meet under a tree and discuss Jungian ideas. Since then, community and connection have remained at the core of our organization and all that we do. During live events, a table is on hand in the lobby where members can put their cards and information about Jungian related services and events. This page provides a virtual lobby table for OFJ members to share opportunities to further the knowledge of and interest in Jungian psychology.

Only OFJ members may post to this page. If you would like to create a post, please become a member. Posts will not display until they have been reviewed. Posts that are not relevant to Jungian psychology or OFJ will not be accepted. Oregon Friends of Jung does not endorse members, programs or the classes offered, nor should appearance on this page be considered to be a comment on the quality of any services offered.

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“For two personalities to meet is like mixing two chemical substances: if there is any combination at all, both are transformed.”

Collected Works, Vol 16, para 163

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