Dream tending Lecture: Dream tending
Aizenstat, Stephen |
MFJ-058734 |
Recorded |
Audio Streaming Source - Cloud |
Available |
2007 |
The imagination matrix: How to access the greatest power you have for creativity, connection, and purpose Lecture: The imagination matrix: How to access the greatest power you have for creativity, connectio...
Aizenstat, Stephen A. |
MFJ-106547 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2024 |
Symbols in your psyche: The inner journey Lecture: Symbols in your psyche: The inner journey
Allan, John A. B. (John Alexander Bonnell) 1941- |
MFJ-058046 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2003 |
The inner journey Lecture: The inner journey
Allan, John A. B. (John Alexander Bonnell) 1941- And 1 other |
MFJ-060274 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1986 |
The relationship between psychology and architecture Lecture: The relationship between psychology and architecture
Ammann, Ruth |
MFJ-058961 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1998 |
Oh, sister, where art thou? Lecture: Oh, sister, where art thou?
Apperson, Virginia |
MFJ-058793 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2006 |
Home or homeless On losing and regaining the sense of inner home
Asper, Katherin 1941- |
MFJ-059038 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1996 |
The child as image and reality in art and fairytales Lecture: The child as image and reality in art and fairytales
Asper, Katherin 1941- |
MFJ-059417 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1991 |
Antigone and Electra: The missing father Lecture: Antigone and Electra: The missing father
Baker, Ian 1931-2006 |
MFJ-059414 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1991 |
Silence, stillness and inactivity as acts of relating Lecture: Silence, stillness and inactivity as acts of relating
Baker, Ian 1931-2006 |
MFJ-058136 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2001 |
Bedazzled charisma and its ways Lecture: Bedazzled charisma and its ways
Bauer, Jan |
MFJ-057942 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2004 |
A textbook of integrity: A contemporary commentary on the I Ching
Beebe, John 1939- |
MFJ-052430 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1999 |
Achieving the image: Lessons from Chinese philosophy Lecture: Achieving the image: Lessons from Chinese philosophy
Beebe, John 1939- |
MFJ-057595 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2011 |
Connecting with culture through psychological types
Beebe, John 1939- |
MFJ-056991 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2018 |
Integrity in fairy tales Lecture: Integrity in fairy tales
Beebe, John 1939- |
MFJ-052421 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1994 |
Moral intelligence
Beebe, John 1939- |
MFJ-051145 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2014 |
More about psychological types Lecture: More about psychological types
Beebe, John 1939- |
MFJ-060280 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1986 |
Objectivity in dreams
Beebe, John 1939- |
MFJ-057058 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
Psychological types Lecture: Psychological types
Beebe, John 1939- |
MFJ-059333 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1992 |
The purposes of nightmares Lecture: The purposes of nightmares
Beebe, John 1939- |
MFJ-058051 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2003 |
The secret life of the movies Lecture: The secret life of the movies
Beebe, John 1939- |
MFJ-060199 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1989 |
Types of the shadow Lecture: Types of the shadow
Beebe, John 1939- |
MFJ-057994 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2004 |
An evening with Robert Bly Lecture: An evening with Robert Bly
Bly, Robert 1926-2021 |
MFJ-060212 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1989 |
Masculinity: Thief of hearts Lecture: Masculinity: Thief of hearts
Boa, Fraser |
MFJ-060270 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1986 |
The millionth circle: Transforming ourselves and the world Lecture: The millionth circle: Transforming ourselves and the world
Bolen, Jean Shinoda |
MFJ-058103 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2002 |
Urgent message from mother Lecture: Urgent message from mother
Bolen, Jean Shinoda |
MFJ-058798 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2005 |
Eros and addiction Lecture: Eros and addiction
Bondanza, Julie |
MFJ-057923 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2007 |
Pompeii’s villa of mysteries Lecture: Pompeii’s villa of mysteries
Bradway, Katherine 1910-2013 |
MFJ-060466 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1981 |
Exploring our Jungian racial shadow: Brightening the light
Brewster, Fanny |
MFJ-054421 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2017 |
The racial complex: From devious path to healing journey Special Event: The racial complex: From devious path to healing journey
Brewster, Fanny |
MFJ-063941 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2020 |
The shadow of creativity
Brewster, Fanny |
MFJ-054278 |
Streamable |
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Available |
2018 |
Re-enchantment; synchronicity; the psychoid imagination Lecture: Re-enchantment; synchronicity; the psychoid imagination
Cambray, Joseph |
MFJ-094634 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2023 |
Synchronicity: Nature and psyche in an interconnected universe
Cambray, Joseph |
MFJ-057029 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
Towards a 21st century model of psyche: Altered states, oracles, and intelligences Lecture: Towards a 21st century model of psyche: Altered states, oracles, and intelligences
Cambray, Joseph |
MFJ-073473 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2021 |
Genesis and Exodus: history and myth Lecture: Genesis and Exodus: history and myth
Campbell, Joseph 1904-1987 |
MFJ-060291 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1986 |
Myth and the body Lecture: Myth and the body
Campbell, Joseph 1904-1987 |
MFJ-060458 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1982 |
Mythological beginnings Lecture: Mythological beginnings
Campbell, Joseph 1904-1987 |
MFJ-060325 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1984 |
Creativity: The holy other as transcendent healer in analysis, community and culture
Castleman, Tess |
MFJ-054525 |
Streamable |
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Available |
2007 |
The little dream that doesn’t mean anything Lecture: The little dream that doesn’t mean anything
Castleman, Tess |
MFJ-058878 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2019 |
Threads, knots, and tapestries Lecture: Threads, knots, and tapestries
Castleman, Tess |
MFJ-057999 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2003 |
Living symbols of the Tarot: A journey through archetypal patterns of soul Lecture: Living symbols of the Tarot: A journey through archetypal patterns of soul
Chiaia, Maria Ellen |
MFJ-067593 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2020 |
Beyond the hero and the patriarch Fairy tales of the deep masculine
Chinen, Allan B. (Allan Bruce) 1952- |
MFJ-059245 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1994 |
Fairy tales and psychology of men and women at mid-life Lecture: Fairy tales and psychology of men and women at mid-life
Chinen, Allan B. (Allan Bruce) 1952- |
MFJ-059340 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1992 |
Fairy tales and the second half of life Lecture: Fairy tales and the second half of life
Chinen, Allan B. (Allan Bruce) 1952- |
MFJ-059424 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1991 |
Gifts of the night Ways of working with dreams
Chinen, Allan B. (Allan Bruce) 1952- And 1 other |
MFJ-059068 |
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Available |
1995 |
The muses of truth and transformation: Timeless tales for troubled times Lecture: The muses of truth and transformation: Timeless tales for troubled times
Chinen, Allan B. (Allan Bruce) 1952- |
MFJ-087524 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2022 |
The Tao of story: From Dracula to Bodhisattva Lecture: The Tao of story: From Dracula to Bodhisattva
Chinen, Allan B. (Allan Bruce) 1952- |
MFJ-058433 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2000 |
A new look at active imagination Lecture: A new look at active imagination
Chodorow, Joan |
MFJ-058887 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1999 |
Body, psyche and the emotions Lecture: Body, psyche and the emotions
Chodorow, Joan |
MFJ-059421 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1991 |
Emotions and the archetypal imagination Lecture: Emotions and the archetypal imagination
Chodorow, Joan |
MFJ-057986 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2004 |
Self in motion Lecture: Self in motion
Chodorow, Joan |
MFJ-060313 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1985 |
The call of our ancient ancestors Lecture: The Call of Our Ancient Ancestors
Claassen, Marea |
MFJ-057533 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2012 |
Eros in our lives
Cohen, Betsy |
MFJ-051147 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2014 |
Individuation and the scapegoat Lecture: Individuation and the scapegoat
Colman, Arthur |
MFJ-060189 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1989 |
From psyche to a picture of the world: Archetypal dimensions of self organization Lecture: From psyche to a picture of the world: Archetypal dimensions of self organization
Conforti, Michael |
MFJ-059023 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1996 |
Patterning in the psyche and the natural world Lecture: Patterning in the psyche and the natural world
Conforti, Michael |
MFJ-058841 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1999 |
The complex: An attractor site in the psyche Lecture: The complex: An attractor site in the psyche
Conforti, Michael |
MFJ-058972 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1997 |
A depth psychological approach to the Divine: A new myth of God Lecture: A depth psychological approach to the Divine: A new myth of God
Corbett, Lionel |
MFJ-058978 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1997 |
A depth psychology approach to the sacred- spirituality without a formal religious tradition Lecture: A depth psychology approach to the sacred- spirituality without a formal religious traditio...
Corbett, Lionel |
MFJ-057622 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2011 |
A psychological approach to the problem of evil Lecture: A psychological approach to the problem of evil
Corbett, Lionel |
MFJ-059268 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1993 |
Fairy tales Lecture: Fairy tales
Corbett, Lionel |
MFJ-059309 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1993 |
Narcissism and the experience of the divine Lecture: Narcissism and the experience of the divine
Corbett, Lionel |
MFJ-059427 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1991 |
Revelation in a modern dream: A new image of the divine Lecture: Revelation in a modern dream: A new image of the divine
Corbett, Lionel |
MFJ-060222 |
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Available |
1988 |
The soul in anguish: Depth psychological approaches to suffering Lecture: The soul in anguish: Depth psychological approaches to suffering
Corbett, Lionel |
MFJ-049648 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2016 |
A luminous darkness: Aging and the spiritual path
Costello, Melanie Starr 1955- |
MFJ-051119 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2013 |
Cosmic dreams Lecture: Cosmic dreams
Costello, Melanie Starr 1955- |
MFJ-057639 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2010 |
Fragmentation and containment in a shrinking world Lecture: Fragmentation and containment in a shrinking world
Costello, Melanie Starr 1955- |
MFJ-057827 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2009 |
Images in a melancholic eye Lecture: Images in a melancholic eye
Cowan, Lyn 1942- |
MFJ-057988 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2004 |
Seabiscuit: The little horse that could, and did, and still does Lecture: Seabiscuit: The little horse that could, and did, and still does
Cowan, Lyn 1942- |
MFJ-058739 |
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Audio |
Available |
2007 |
Persephone’s heart/Persephone’s wake Lecture: Persephone’s heart/Persephone’s wake
Craig San Roque 1943- And 1 other |
MFJ-076639 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2021 |
Saturday’s child Lecture: Saturday’s child
Dallett, Janet O. (Osborn) 1933-2010 |
MFJ-059729 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1990 |
The “spiritualized earth” and the birth of the new consciousness Lecture: The "spiritualized earth" and the birth of the new consciousness
Damery, Patricia |
MFJ-057554 |
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Audio |
Available |
2012 |
Boundaries of the marital soul Lecture: Boundaries of the marital soul
Desteian, John A. |
MFJ-059319 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1992 |
Vampires, eroticism and the lure of the unconscious Lecture: Vampires, eroticism and the lure of the unconscious
Dougherty, Nancy |
MFJ-058890 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1999 |
Active imagination and the Visions seminar
Douglas, Claire |
MFJ-054391 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2003 |
The other side of Christmas: Incarnation as the awesome burden of opposites
Dudley, Guilford |
MFJ-054531 |
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Available |
2012 |
Carl Jung: Wounded healer of the soul Lecture: Carl Jung: Wounded healer of the soul
Dunne, Claire Mary Elizabeth (Clare) 1937- |
MFJ-058099 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2002 |
Christian archetypes Lecture: Christian archetypes
Edinger, Edward F. 1922–1998 |
MFJ-060412 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1982 |
Christian archetypes II Lecture: Christian archetypes II
Edinger, Edward F. 1922–1998 |
MFJ-060364 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1984 |
Active imagination and the Romantic poets
Elsner, Thomas |
MFJ-054253 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2018 |
Alchemy and Jung’s Red Book
Elsner, Thomas |
MFJ-057021 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
Individuation after 70 Lecture: Individuation after 70
Evers-Fahey, Karen |
MFJ-049835 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2016 |
Orphanos Exoikos: The precarious possibility of wholeness Lecture: Orphanos Exoikos: The precarious possibility of wholeness
Evetts-Secker, Josephine |
MFJ-058141 |
Streamable |
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Available |
2001 |
Prick of consciousness: psychology and the art of arousal Lecture: Prick of consciousness: psychology and the art of arousal
Evetts-Secker, Josephine |
MFJ-059404 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1991 |
Individuation: Tears and joy Lecture: Individuation: Tears and joy
Frantz, Gilda |
MFJ-060302 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1985 |
Drawings from the unconscious Lecture: Drawings from the unconscious
Furth, Gregg |
MFJ-059070 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1995 |
The Fate of America Lecture: The Fate of America
Gellert, Michael |
MFJ-058095 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2002 |
A Jungian contribution to understanding and healing addictions Lecture: A Jungian contribution to understanding and healing addictions
Giannini, John 1922-2017 |
MFJ-059742 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1990 |
Dreams as the journey with the soul Lecture: Dreams as the journey with the soul
Giannini, John 1922-2017 |
MFJ-058421 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2000 |
INFP: The typological counterculture Lecture: INFP: The typological counterculture
Giannini, John 1922-2017 |
MFJ-059737 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1990 |
The historical and psychological context for intimate relationships Lecture: The historical and psychological context for intimate relationships
Giannini, John 1922-2017 |
MFJ-059025 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1996 |
The hundredth dreamer Lecture: The hundredth dreamer
Giannini, John 1922-2017 |
MFJ-059261 |
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Audio |
Available |
1993 |
Cin-imago Dei: Image of soul in contemporary film Lecture: Cin-imago Dei: Image of soul in contemporary film
Gibson, Terrill L. (Terry) |
MFJ-058945 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1998 |
Jungian psychology and analysis as psycho-spiritual event, as religious occasion
Gibson, Terrill L. (Terry) |
MFJ-057056 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
Paradise and millennium: A Jungian reflection on cinematic images of the perfection of soul in times of intense collective transition Lecture: Paradise and millennium: A Jungian reflection on cinematic images of the perfection of soul...
Gibson, Terrill L. (Terry) |
MFJ-058845 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1999 |
Politics and psyche: The individual and cultural depth-background of analysis and transformation Lecture: Politics and psyche: The individual and cultural depth-background of analysis and transform...
Gibson, Terrill L. (Terry) |
MFJ-057741 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2010 |
Creativity, the Red Book, and play Lecture: Creativity, the Red Book, and play
Girard, Mark |
MFJ-057739 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2010 |
Magic and archetypes Lecture: Magic and archetypes
Granrose, John |
MFJ-058101 |
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Available |
2002 |
Archetype of the game: Sports as a reflection of psyche Lecture: Archetype of the game: Sports as a reflection of psyche
Greene, Thayer |
MFJ-059948 |
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Available |
1990 |
Change your story, change your life
Greer, Carl |
MFJ-057048 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
Relationship in the first half of life
Hall, James A. (James Albert) 1934-2013 And 1 other |
MFJ-054384 |
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Available |
1989 |
The unnecessary war: Neurosis and inner conflict Lecture: The unnecessary war: Neurosis and inner conflict
Hall, James A. (James Albert) 1934-2013 |
MFJ-060266 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1987 |
Who is dreaming the dreamer? Lecture: Who is dreaming the dreamer?
Hall, James A. (James Albert) 1934-2013 |
MFJ-060224 |
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Available |
1988 |
Girl within: Touchstone for woman’s identity Lecture: Girl within: Touchstone for woman's identity
Hancock, Emily |
MFJ-059342 |
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Available |
1992 |
The passive-aggressive male Lecture: The passive-aggressive male
Hart, David L. 1920-2011 |
MFJ-060254 |
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Audio |
Available |
1987 |
The unveiling of what is hidden Lecture: The unveiling of what is hidden
Harvey, Puanani 1936- |
MFJ-058711 |
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Audio |
Available |
2008 |
The trauma of exile through a Jungian lens Lecture: The trauma of exile through a Jungian lens
Hernandez, Lourdes |
MFJ-094931 |
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Available |
2023 |
Native american hero’s journey Lecture: Native American Hero's Journey
High Bear, Rose (DEG HIT’AN DINE) |
MFJ-057476 |
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Available |
2014 |
Anima mundi: The soul of the world Lecture: Anima mundi: The soul of the world
Hillman, James 1926-2011 |
MFJ-060207 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1989 |
The soul’s code Lecture: The soul’s code
Hillman, James 1926-2011 |
MFJ-058982 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1997 |
Reflections on the animal soul Lecture: Reflections on the animal soul
Hinton, W. Ladson |
MFJ-059944 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1990 |
Magic and alchemy: Two ancient arts of transformation Lecture: Magic and alchemy: Two ancient arts of transformation
Hoeller, Stephan A. |
MFJ-060371 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1983 |
C.G. Jung and Gnosticism Lecture: C.G. Jung and Gnosticism
Hoeller, Stephan A. 1931- |
MFJ-059720 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1990 |
Active imagination as modality for personal healing Lecture: Active imagination as modality for personal healing
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-058068 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2002 |
Creating a life Lecture: Creating a life
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-058125 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2001 |
Divining divinities: Reflections on the gods
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-054402 |
Streamable |
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Available |
2004 |
Fear, skepticism, lassitude: The recovery of an inner life Lecture: Fear, skepticism, lassitude: The recovery of an inner life
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-095437 |
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Available |
2023 |
Finding meaning in the second half of life Lecture: Finding meaning in the second half of life
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-058551 |
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Available |
2005 |
Hauntings: Dispelling the ghosts who run our lives
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-051157 |
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Available |
2014 |
In-between times: Something gone, something not yet
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-054266 |
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Available |
2018 |
Living life more fully in the shadow of mortality
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-057023 |
Streamable |
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Available |
Missing the mark: The seven deadly sins viewed through the lens of depth psychology Lecture: Missing the mark: The seven deadly sins viewed through the lens of depth psychology
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-070810 |
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Available |
2021 |
On the psychology of comedy Lecture: On the psychology of comedy
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-057996 |
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Available |
2003 |
On this journey we call our life Lecture: On this journey we call our life
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-058058 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2002 |
Psyche and soul
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-054318 |
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Available |
1996 |
Relationships: the psychodynamics of self and other Lecture: Relationships: the psychodynamics of self and other
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-058461 |
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Available |
2000 |
Stories told, stories untold, stories that tell us Lecture: Stories told, stories untold, stories that tell us
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-057627 |
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Available |
2010 |
The middle passage: Misery and meaning at mid-life Lecture: The middle passage: Misery and meaning at mid-life
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-059248 |
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Available |
1993 |
The personal myth in turbulent times Lecture: The personal myth in turbulent times
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-049825 |
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Available |
2016 |
The sailor cannot see the north: The psychospiritual dilemma of our time
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-054552 |
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Available |
2012 |
Under Saturn’s shadow Lecture: Under Saturn’s shadow
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-059092 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1994 |
What matters most: Living a more considered life
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-054539 |
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Available |
2009 |
Why good people do bad things: Revisiting the shadow Lecture: Why good people do bad things: Revisiting the shadow
Hollis, James 1940- |
MFJ-058549 |
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Available |
2007 |
God can’t eat a poached egg! Lecture: God can’t eat a poached egg!
Howell, Alice O. (Orcutt) 1922-2014 |
MFJ-059095 |
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Available |
1994 |
Inner cosmology of experience: Analytical astrology Lecture: Inner cosmology of experience: Analytical astrology
Howell, Alice O. (Orcutt) 1922-2014 |
MFJ-060304 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1985 |
Jungian synchronicity in astrological signs and ages Lecture: Jungian synchronicity in astrological signs and ages
Howell, Alice O. (Orcutt) 1922-2014 |
MFJ-059937 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1990 |
Anxiety and the myth of the dragon fight Lecture: Anxiety and the myth of the dragon fight
Jacoby, Mario 1925-2011 |
MFJ-058980 |
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Available |
1997 |
Individuation through marriage: The revolution in love relationships between the sexes Lecture: Individuation through marriage: The revolution in love relationships between the sexes
Jaffe, Lawrence W. |
MFJ-059325 |
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Available |
1992 |
Jung and Nietzsche Lecture: Jung and Nietzsche
Jarrett, James L. 1917-2015 |
MFJ-060236 |
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Available |
1988 |
Ways of being inferior Lecture: Ways of being inferior
Jarrett, James L. 1917-2015 |
MFJ-058106 |
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Available |
2002 |
Dreams Lecture: Dreams
Johnson, Robert A. (Robert Alex) 1921-2018 |
MFJ-060317 |
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Available |
1985 |
The wounded feeling function Lecture: The wounded feeling function
Johnson, Robert A. (Robert Alex) 1921-2018 |
MFJ-060244 |
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Available |
1987 |
Symbolic images and energies of inner transformation Lecture: Symbolic images and energies of inner transformation
Joseph, Steven M. |
MFJ-057931 |
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Available |
2005 |
Caves of the soul Lecture: Caves of the soul
Josey, Alden |
MFJ-058180 |
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Available |
2000 |
Early trauma and dreams: Archetypal defenses of the personal spirit Lecture: Early trauma and dreams: Archetypal defenses of the personal spirit
Kalsched, Donald 1943- |
MFJ-058852 |
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Available |
1999 |
Finding the untold story: Exploring developmental trauma through the lens of contemporary film
Kalsched, Donald 1943- |
MFJ-056995 |
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Audio |
Available |
Healing trauma: The lost and recovered soul in depth psychology Lecture: Healing trauma: The lost and recovered soul in depth psychology
Kalsched, Donald 1943- |
MFJ-049694 |
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Available |
2016 |
Trauma, innocence and the core complex of the dissociating psyche Lecture: Trauma, innocence and the core complex of the dissociating psyche
Kalsched, Donald 1943- |
MFJ-088065 |
Streamable |
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Available |
2023 |
Changing relation fantasies as releasing point in partnership Lecture: Changing relation fantasies as releasing point in partnership
Kast, Verena |
MFJ-060276 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1986 |
Reconstructing joy Lecture: Reconstructing joy
Kast, Verena |
MFJ-059409 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1991 |
Individuation and the creative process Lecture: Individuation and the Creative Process
Katz, Ted |
MFJ-057478 |
Streamable |
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Available |
2013 |
A Jungian view of climate change
Kiehl, Jeffrey T. (Jeffrey Theodore) 1952- |
MFJ-055844 |
Streamable |
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Available |
2019 |
Listening to Jung in these troubling times Lecture: Listening to Jung in these troubling times
Kiehl, Jeffrey T. (Jeffrey Theodore) 1952- |
MFJ-065084 |
Streamable |
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Available |
2020 |
Our promethean debt Lecture: Our promethean debt
Kiehl, Jeffrey T. (Jeffrey Theodore) 1952- |
MFJ-082520 |
Streamable |
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Available |
2022 |
Between the world and me: Where the wild things live Lecture: Between the world and me: Where the wild things live
Kimbles, Samuel |
MFJ-060923 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2019 |
The burn wound of Eros Lecture: The burn wound of Eros
Kimmel, Ken |
MFJ-057746 |
Streamable |
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Available |
2010 |
Early life and work of C. G. Jung Lecture: Early life and work of C. G. Jung
Kirsch, Thomas B. 1936-2017 |
MFJ-060248 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1987 |
Jungian psychology: past, present, future Lecture: Jungian psychology: past, present, future
Kirsch, Thomas B. 1936-2017 |
MFJ-058997 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1997 |
The origins of analytical psychology in the United States Lecture: The origins of analytical psychology in the United States
Kirsch, Thomas B. 1936-2017 |
MFJ-058163 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2001 |
Primal fears explored with humanity’s oldest story as our guide — The Epic of Gilgamesh
Kline, Jim |
MFJ-051115 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2013 |
The appeal of the extraordinary Lecture: The appeal of the extraordinary
Kline, Jim (James) |
MFJ-106216 |
Streamable |
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Available |
2024 |
The feminine principle in the Kabbalah: Shades of darkness and light Lecture: The feminine principle in the Kabbalah: Shades of darkness and light
Kluger-Nash, Nomi |
MFJ-057917 |
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Available |
2008 |
When psyche sings: Jungian music psychotherapy Lecture: When psyche sings: Jungian music psychotherapy
Kroeker, Joel |
MFJ-099796 |
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Available |
2024 |
Jung, Tolkien and the fate of mythopoesis in post-modernity
Kuras, Mark |
MFJ-054408 |
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Available |
2004 |
Reciprocity: What we’ve always known Lecture: Reciprocity: What we’ve always known
Lacourt, Jeanne A. And 2 others |
MFJ-079841 |
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Available |
2022 |
We think with our hearts: Reading Jung through native eyes Lecture: We think with our hearts: Reading Jung through native eyes
Lacourt, Jeanne A. |
MFJ-066645 |
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Available |
2020 |
Artemis and Aphrodite need not apply; Christianity’s repression of the archetypal feminine geniuses
Lavin, Thomas P. |
MFJ-052398 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1989 |
Like a donkey between two bales of hay; the puer and senex at midlife
Lavin, Thomas P. |
MFJ-052405 |
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Available |
1993 |
Return of the spirit: Jung’s foundation for twelve-step programs
Lavin, Thomas P. |
MFJ-054366 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1991 |
Spiritual dimensions of alcoholism Lecture: Spiritual dimensions of alcoholism
Lavin, Thomas Patrick |
MFJ-060298 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1986 |
Archetypal cosmology: A new mythic perspective Lecture: Archetypal cosmology: A new mythic perspective
Le Grice, Keiron |
MFJ-077989 |
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Available |
2022 |
Meeting the Madwoman An Inner Challenge for the Feminine Spirit
Leonard, Linda Schierse 1937 - |
MFJ-059311 |
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Available |
1993 |
Wounded woman Rage and Tears
Leonard, Linda Schierse 1937 - |
MFJ-060471 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1981 |
Healing power of the arts Lecture: Healing power of the arts
Lewis, Penny |
MFJ-059232 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1994 |
Archetypal manifestations in the individuation process Lecture: Archetypal manifestations in the individuation process
Lorentz, Erica |
MFJ-058139 |
Streamable |
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Available |
2001 |
Jung, spirituality and the body
Lorentz, Erica |
MFJ-057044 |
Streamable |
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Available |
Conceiving the Motherline Lecture: Conceiving the Motherline
Lowinsky, Naomi Ruth |
MFJ-059086 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1995 |
The poetry of the soul Lecture: The poetry of the soul
Lowinsky, Naomi Ruth |
MFJ-058174 |
Streamable |
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Available |
2001 |
Thresholds at significant stages of life Lecture: Thresholds at significant stages of life
Mahdi, Louise (Mary Louise Carus) 1922-2019 |
MFJ-060380 |
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Available |
1983 |
Another whom we do not know: Dreams as the voice of the inner companion Lecture: Another whom we do not know: Dreams as the voice of the inner companion
Marchiano, Lisa |
MFJ-074477 |
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Available |
2021 |
Marrying Mr. Rochester: Charlotte Brontë and the transformation of the seductive negative father complex Lecture: Marrying Mr. Rochester: Charlotte Brontë and the Transformation of the Seductive Negative ...
Marchiano, Lisa |
MFJ-057499 |
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Available |
2013 |
House as a mirror of self; exploring the deeper meaning of home Lecture: House as a mirror of self; exploring the deeper meaning of home
Marcus, Clare Cooper |
MFJ-058843 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1999 |
What it means to go to war Lecture: What it means to go to war Workshop: What it means to go to war
Marlantes, Karl And 1 other |
MFJ-057538 |
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Available |
2012 |
Psychic birth and rebirth through analysis
Marlo, Helen |
MFJ-057035 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
Sex: The flesh and blood of it
Marshall, Marilyn And 1 other |
MFJ-057015 |
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Available |
Archetypal aspects of the mourning process Lecture: Archetypal aspects of the mourning process
Mathes, Charlotte |
MFJ-057624 |
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Available |
2011 |
The child’s quest for meaning Lecture: The child’s quest for meaning
Matthews, June |
MFJ-060239 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1988 |
Vampire archetype and vampiric relationships Lecture: Vampire archetype and vampiric relationships
McAfee, Julia |
MFJ-059349 |
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Available |
1992 |
Burn the barn Lecture: Burn the barn
McGehee, J. Pittman 1943- |
MFJ-057944 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2004 |
The incalculable paradoxes of love
McGehee, J. Pittman 1943- |
MFJ-054559 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2008 |
The goddess of many faces Lecture: The goddess of many faces
McLaughlin, Kathleen |
MFJ-060455 |
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Audio |
Available |
1982 |
Elements of a spiritual life: The individuation of the high priestess Enheduanna Lecture: Elements of a spiritual life: The individuation of the high priestess Enheduanna
Meador, Betty De Shong |
MFJ-059012 |
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Available |
1997 |
Inanna, the carved-out ground plan of heaven and earth Lecture: Inanna, the carved-out ground plan of heaven and earth
Meador, Betty de Shong |
MFJ-058177 |
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Available |
2000 |
Uncovering the lost feminine Lecture: Uncovering the lost feminine
Meador, Betty De Shong |
MFJ-059954 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1990 |
Ecopsychology and the environmental catastrophe Lecture: Ecopsychology and the environmental catastrophe
Merritt, Dennis |
MFJ-087706 |
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Available |
2023 |
Seasons of the soul: Archetypal patterns in weather and climate Lecture: Seasons of the soul: Archetypal patterns in weather and climate
Merritt, Dennis |
MFJ-059020 |
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Available |
1996 |
Seeing the crab: a memoir of dying before I do Lecture: Seeing the crab: a memoir of dying before I do
Middlebrook, Christina 1941-2009 |
MFJ-058985 |
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Available |
1997 |
Angels and ladders: the ascents and descents of the soul Lecture: Angels and ladders: the ascents and descents of the soul
Miller, David L. |
MFJ-060488 |
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Available |
1980 |
Eros and Psyche: the Jungian Narcissus Lecture: Eros and Psyche: the Jungian Narcissus
Miller, David L. |
MFJ-060378 |
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Available |
1983 |
Ghosts! Holy and not so holy Lecture: Ghosts! Holy and not so holy
Miller, David L. |
MFJ-060376 |
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Available |
1983 |
Testing the spirits: False prophets and true healers in the old age and in the new age Lecture: Testing the spirits: False prophets and true healers in the old age and in the new age
Miller, David L. |
MFJ-058169 |
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Available |
2001 |
Dreams and the body Lecture: Dreams and the body
Mindell, Arnold 1940-2024 |
MFJ-060421 |
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Available |
1982 |
Phallos: The archetypal source of masculinity Lecture: Phallos: The archetypal source of masculinity
Monick, Eugene A. 1929-2007 |
MFJ-060230 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1988 |
Care of the soul Lecture: Care of the soul
Moore, Thomas 1940- |
MFJ-059237 |
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Audio |
Available |
1994 |
Jekyll and Hyde: On splits, oppositions, compensations, schizophrenias, divided selves, and so forth Lecture: Jekyll and Hyde: On splits, oppositions, compensations, schizophrenias, divided selves, and...
Moore, Thomas 1940- |
MFJ-060322 |
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Available |
1984 |
The re-enchantment of everyday life Lecture: The re-enchantment of everyday life
Moore, Thomas 1940- |
MFJ-059034 |
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Available |
1996 |
Jung and the split feminine Lecture: Jung and the split feminine
Mudd, Peter |
MFJ-058392 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1998 |
Merlin-Jung enchained Lecture: Merlin-Jung enchained
Napier, Pauline |
MFJ-058955 |
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Available |
1998 |
Psychic inoculation of evil: A soul/shadow perspective Lecture: Psychic inoculation of evil: A soul/shadow perspective
Napier, Pauline |
MFJ-059101 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1994 |
Krishna and Christ Lecture: Krishna and Christ
Naravane, Vishwanath Shridar 1922- |
MFJ-060398 |
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Available |
1983 |
The coniunctio gastronomique: God becomes flesh Lecture: The coniunctio gastronomique: God becomes flesh
Negley, Susan Clements |
MFJ-087535 |
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Available |
2023 |
From the sound of it: Reflections on the person as viewed through sound Lecture: From the sound of it: Reflections on the person as viewed through sound
Newell, Martha Mae |
MFJ-059396 |
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Available |
1991 |
The power of companionship: The psychology of brother-sister relationships Lecture: The power of companionship: The psychology of brother-sister relationships
Newton, Lara |
MFJ-057777 |
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Available |
2009 |
Light-Hearted Evening: Green Knight Performance
Oregon Friends of C.G. Jung |
MFJ-059073 |
Streamable |
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Available |
1995 |
Whatever happened to God the mother? Lecture: Whatever happened to God the mother?
Pagels, Elaine 1943- |
MFJ-060395 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
1983 |
Psychotherapy as mythology Lecture: Psychotherapy as mythology
Paris, Ginette |
MFJ-059010 |
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Available |
1997 |
Awakening the heroes within Lecture: Awakening the heroes within
Pearson, Carol S. |
MFJ-059329 |
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Available |
1992 |
Gifts of the Celtic wellsprings Lecture: Gifts of the Celtic wellsprings
Perera, Sylvia Brinton 1932- |
MFJ-058134 |
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Available |
2001 |
Honoring early Hermes: Shamanic herdsman, god of paths and open boundaries Lecture: Honoring early Hermes: Shamanic herdsman, god of paths and open boundaries
Perera, Sylvia Brinton 1932- |
MFJ-054305 |
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Available |
2018 |
A tale of father, son, and soul Lecture: A tale of father, son, and soul
Perlman, Michael 1957–1998 |
MFJ-060463 |
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Available |
1982 |
The waking dream: Poetry’s everyday life Lecture: The waking dream: Poetry’s everyday life
Petersen, Paulann |
MFJ-057541 |
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Available |
2012 |
Violence and the religious instinct Lecture: Violence and the religious instinct
Power, Pamela J. |
MFJ-057830 |
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Available |
2009 |
Images of the divine child Lecture: Images of the divine child
Prochaska, Harry |
MFJ-060282 |
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Audio |
Available |
1986 |
Living an imaginal life: Dreams, active imagination, synchronicity Lecture: Living an imaginal life: Dreams, active imagination, synchronicity
Raff, Jeffrey 1946- |
MFJ-058882 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2019 |
The wedding of Sophia Lecture: The wedding of Sophia
Raff, Jeffrey 1946- |
MFJ-057937 |
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Audio |
Available |
2004 |
Psychological trauma and listening with the heart
Riedel, Eberhard And 1 other |
MFJ-051129 |
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Available |
2013 |
Psyche and nature: Inner journeys in the outer world Lecture: Psyche and Nature: Inner Journeys in the Outer World
Romanyshyn, Robert D. (Donald) 1942- |
MFJ-057597 |
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Available |
2011 |
The tears of God: Grief as an opening to the divine Lecture: The tears of God: Grief as an opening to the divine
Romanyshyn, Robert D. (Donald) 1942- |
MFJ-058038 |
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Available |
2003 |
Haiku, Zen, and Jung’s psychology Lecture: Haiku, Zen, and Jung’s psychology
Rosen, David H. |
MFJ-058097 |
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Available |
2002 |
The healing value of personal narrative Lecture: The healing value of personal narrative
Rosen, David H. |
MFJ-058715 |
Streamable |
Audio |
Available |
2007 |
Transforming depression: healing the soul through creativity, egocide, symbolic death, and new life Lecture: Transforming depression: healing the soul through creativity, egocide, symbolic death, and ...
Rosen, David H. |
MFJ-058407 |
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Available |
2000 |
In Ananke’s lap: Necessity and grace Lecture: In Ananke’s lap: Necessity and grace
Rossi, Safron |
MFJ-100823 |
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Available |
2024 |
The jewel in the wound Lecture: The jewel in the wound
Rothenberg, Rose-Emily |
MFJ-057926 |
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Available |
2005 |
Archetype of the animus and feminine consciousness Lecture: Archetype of the animus and feminine consciousness
Roy, Manisha 1936- |
MFJ-059338 |
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Available |
1992 |
Sexuality, spirituality, and individuation Lecture: Sexuality, spirituality, and individuation
Roy, Manisha 1936- |
MFJ-059255 |
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Available |
1993 |
Building conscious relationships
Ruhl, Jerry M. 1952- |
MFJ-057042 |
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Available |
Living a conscious life
Ruhl, Jerry M. 1952- |
MFJ-057031 |
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Available |
Living in the fire: The wisdom of uncertainty
Ruhl, Jerry M. 1952- |
MFJ-057011 |
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Available |
Living the unlived life Lecture: Living the unlived life
Ruhl, Jerry M. 1952- |
MFJ-057744 |
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Available |
2010 |
Encountering our animal guides Lecture: Encountering our animal guides
Russack, Neil 1936-2011 |
MFJ-058007 |
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Available |
2003 |
Sex in the forbidden zone: When men in power betray women Lecture: Sex in the forbidden zone: When men in power betray women
Rutter, Peter |
MFJ-059732 |
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Available |
1990 |
The Eleusinian mysteries: Vision into the abyss of the seed Lecture: The Eleusinian mysteries: Vision into the abyss of the seed
Rutter, Virginia Beane |
MFJ-058130 |
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Available |
2001 |
The mask of Dionysus: Possession and healing
Rutter, Virginia Beane |
MFJ-054419 |
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Available |
2003 |
The earth has a soul: The nature writings of C. G. Jung Lecture: The earth has a soul: The nature writings of C. G. Jung
Sabini, Meredith |
MFJ-058091 |
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Available |
2002 |
Australian aboriginal dreaming: How it works and what it has to teach us Lecture: Australian aboriginal dreaming: How it works and what it has to teach us
San Roque, Craig |
MFJ-058947 |
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Available |
1998 |
The way of the snake Lecture: The way of the snake
Sandner, Donald F. 1928-1997 |
MFJ-059088 |
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Available |
1995 |
Spirit river sojourn Lecture: Spirit river sojourn
Sanford, Katherine M. (Katie) 1917-2017 |
MFJ-057779 |
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Available |
2009 |
The serpent and the cross: Spanning the split through active imagination Lecture: The serpent and the cross: spanning the split through active imagination
Sanford, Katherine M. (Katie) 1917-2017 |
MFJ-058682 |
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Available |
2008 |
Archetypal silence: the mother of soul Lecture: Archetypal silence: the mother of soul
Sardello, Robert |
MFJ-058166 |
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Available |
2001 |
Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Holy Grail Lecture: Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Holy Grail
Sardello, Robert |
MFJ-059006 |
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Available |
1997 |
Homeopathy: Soul in inner and outer world Lecture: Homeopathy: Soul in inner and outer world
Sardello, Robert |
MFJ-059940 |
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Available |
1990 |
Spiritual psychology of love Lecture: Spiritual psychology of love
Sardello, Robert |
MFJ-059079 |
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Available |
1995 |
Exploring medial intuition
Schapira, Laurie Layton |
MFJ-057050 |
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Available |
The healing edge of madness in the borderline personality Lecture: The healing edge of madness in the borderline personality
Schwartz-Salant, Nathan |
MFJ-060257 |
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Available |
1987 |
How to love a narcissist Lecture: How to love a narcissist
Schwartz, Susan E. 1946- |
MFJ-065195 |
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Available |
2020 |
The absent father effect on daughters: Father desire, father wounds Lecture: The absent father effect on daughters: Father desire, father wounds
Schwartz, Susan E. 1946- |
MFJ-075945 |
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Available |
2021 |
‘The way of what is to come:’ Jung’s Liber Novus and the past and future of Jungian psychology Lecture: ‘The way of what is to come:’ Jung’s Liber Novus and the past and future of Jungian p...
Shamdasani, Sonu 1962- |
MFJ-058553 |
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Available |
2010 |
Living in harmony with the natural world The Lakota world view
Sherwood, Dyane N. (Dyane Neilson) 1948- |
MFJ-057025 |
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Available |
The embodied psyche: Alchemical imagery and unconscious emotional communication Lecture: The embodied psyche: Alchemical imagery and unconscious emotional communication
Sherwood, Dyane N. (Dyane Neilson) 1948- |
MFJ-057771 |
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Available |
2009 |
Beyond survival: Heart surgery and the psyche Lecture: Beyond survival: Heart surgery and the psyche
Silber, James A. |
MFJ-060219 |
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Available |
1988 |
Gnostic threads in the fabric of the psyche
Singer, June 1920-2004 |
MFJ-052435 |
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Available |
1993 |
The vision thing: Myth, politics, and psyche in the world Lecture: The vision thing: Myth, politics, and psyche in the world
Singer, Thomas 1942- |
MFJ-058405 |
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Available |
2000 |
Archetypal images: Reflections on James Hillman and Jungian thought
Slater, Glen |
MFJ-051122 |
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Available |
2013 |
Archetypes, algorithms and AI: Finding the deeply human in a posthuman age Lecture: Archetypes, algorithms and AI: Finding the deeply human in a posthuman age
Slater, Glen |
MFJ-100193 |
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Available |
2024 |
Technology and soul: Living at the turning point Lecture: Technology and Soul: Living at the Turning Point
Slater, Glen |
MFJ-057617 |
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Available |
2011 |
The god complex Lecture: The God Complex
Slater, Glen |
MFJ-057591 |
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Available |
2012 |
Grace in the desert: Awakening to the gifts of monastic life
Slattery, Dennis Patrick 1944- |
MFJ-054576 |
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Available |
2005 |
Quotidian conversations: working with symbolic images in dreams and everyday life Lecture: Quotidian conversations: working with symbolic images in dreams and everyday life
Sohl, Patricia |
MFJ-058713 |
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Available |
2007 |
Straying from the path: An exploration of the intersections between queer theory and analytical psychology Lecture: Straying from the path: An exploration of the intersections between queer theory and analyt...
Solem, David |
MFJ-110349 |
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Available |
2024 |
Carl Jung’s Red Book: Healing the chaos
Sparks, J. Gary (John Gary) 1948- |
MFJ-055846 |
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Available |
2019 |
The self in Jung’s ultimate view: The mythology of numbers in dreams Lecture: The self in Jung’s ultimate view: The mythology of numbers in dreams
Sparks, J. Gary (John Gary) 1948- |
MFJ-071373 |
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Available |
2021 |
Pathways to the numinous
Spiegelman, J. Marvin (James Marvin) 1926-2017 |
MFJ-054597 |
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Available |
2006 |
Living good dreams Lecture: Living Good Dreams
Stafford, Kim |
MFJ-057609 |
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Available |
2011 |
Circle of fire Lecture: Circle of fire
Stahl, Mara (Marian) |
MFJ-060330 |
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Available |
1984 |
Context and essence: Meaning and transformation in cultural and analytic process Lecture: Context and essence: Meaning and transformation in cultural and analytic process
Stebbins, Morgan |
MFJ-058679 |
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Available |
2008 |
Dreams of fate; the fate of dreams Lecture: Dreams of fate; the fate of dreams
Stebbins, Morgan |
MFJ-057767 |
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Available |
2009 |
The Tibetan book of the dead and everyday life Lecture: The Tibetan book of the dead and everyday life
Stebbins, Morgan |
MFJ-057631 |
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Available |
2010 |
The tropics of desire: The soul’s expression of coniunctio in dreams and life Lecture: The Tropics of Desire: The soul’s expression of Coniunctio in Dreams and Life
Stebbins, Morgan |
MFJ-057607 |
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Available |
2011 |
Transforming compulsion Lecture: Transforming Compulsion
Stebbins, Morgan |
MFJ-057519 |
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Available |
2013 |
Jung’s treatment of christianity Lecture: Jung’s treatment of christianity
Stein, Murray |
MFJ-060308 |
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Available |
1985 |
Psyche at work Lecture: Psyche at work
Stein, Murray |
MFJ-058950 |
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Available |
1998 |
The Hephaistos problem: On myth and the psyche Lecture: The Hephaistos problem: On myth and the psyche
Stein, Murray 1943- |
MFJ-059239 |
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Available |
1994 |
Archetypes: the new synthesis Lecture: Archetypes: the new synthesis
Stevens, Anthony 1933- |
MFJ-060367 |
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Available |
1984 |
C.G. Jung The man and his psychology
Stevens, Anthony 1933- |
MFJ-060209 |
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Available |
1989 |
The analytical psychology of war Lecture: The analytical psychology of war
Stevens, Anthony 1933- |
MFJ-060289 |
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Available |
1986 |
Emotions: Psyche’s body Lecture: Emotions: Psyche’s body
Stewart, Louis H. 1919-1998 And 1 other |
MFJ-060251 |
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Available |
1987 |
Body as compass: Dreams and the soul Lecture: Body as compass: Dreams and the soul
Stromsted, Tina |
MFJ-087528 |
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Available |
2022 |
Jung embodied Lecture: Jung embodied
Stromsted, Tina And 1 other |
MFJ-058795 |
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Available |
2006 |
Jung embodied: Seeking the creative shadow Lecture: Jung embodied: Seeking the creative shadow
Stromsted, Tina And 1 other |
MFJ-057825 |
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2009 |
Images in dreams of rapists Lecture: Images in dreams of rapists
Stuckey, F. Robert |
MFJ-060460 |
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Available |
1982 |
The mythic journey Lecture: The mythic journey
Sussman, Linda And 2 others |
MFJ-060261 |
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Available |
1987 |
Jungian art therapy: Living a creative life Lecture: Jungian art therapy: Living a creative life
Swan-Foster, Nora |
MFJ-087532 |
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Available |
2023 |
Dreaming animals: Individuation in a Jungian analysis
Tarasuk, Penelope |
MFJ-054292 |
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Available |
2018 |
Jung’s relationship to astrology Lecture: Jung’s relationship to astrology
Tarnas, Becca |
MFJ-095696 |
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Available |
2023 |
The synchronicity of the two red books: Jung, Tolkien, and the imaginal realm Lecture: The synchronicity of the two red books: Jung, Tolkien, and the imaginal realm
Tarnas, Becca |
MFJ-087526 |
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Available |
2022 |
Changing of the gods: Weathering the storm in an archetypal cosmos Lecture: Changing of the gods: Weathering the storm in an archetypal cosmos
Tarnas, Richard 1950- |
MFJ-059487 |
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Available |
2019 |
Jung, cosmology, and the transformation of the modern self Lecture: Jung, cosmology, and the transformation of the modern self
Tarnas, Richard 1950- |
MFJ-052445 |
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Available |
2005 |
Synchronicity and its implications Lecture: Synchronicity and its implications
Tarnas, Richard 1950- |
MFJ-058706 |
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Available |
2008 |
The gods at play: Archetypal powers and patterns in the arts Lecture: The gods at play: Archetypal powers and patterns in the arts
Tarnas, Richard 1950- |
MFJ-049692 |
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Available |
2016 |
Understanding our moment in history: An archetypal perspective Lecture: Understanding our moment in history: An archetypal perspective
Tarnas, Richard 1950- |
MFJ-054606 |
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Available |
2012 |
Feminine mysteries in the myth of Orpheus Lecture: Feminine mysteries in the myth of Orpheus
Taylor, Janice Conklyn |
MFJ-058892 |
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Available |
1999 |
The new Mary Magdalene Lecture: The new Mary Magdalene
TePaske, Bradley A. |
MFJ-058965 |
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Available |
1998 |
Individuation hijacked: Persona and hero in an evolving universe Lecture: Individuation hijacked: Persona and hero in an evolving universe
Trosclair, Gary 1956- |
MFJ-065988 |
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Available |
2020 |
Letting go and holding on: Essential archetypal tools for the journey of individuation
Trosclair, Gary 1956- |
MFJ-057017 |
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Available |
The power of archetypal imagery in videogames Lecture: The power of archetypal imagery in videogames
Tyminski, Robert |
MFJ-068880 |
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Available |
2021 |
Aliveness / deadness Lecture: Aliveness / deadness
Ulanov, Ann Belford 1938- |
MFJ-058042 |
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Available |
2003 |
Anima and animus Lecture: Anima and animus
Ulanov, Ann Belford 1938- And 1 other |
MFJ-059045 |
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Available |
1996 |
Soul lost and found Lecture: Soul lost and found
Ulanov, Ann Belford 1938- |
MFJ-065328 |
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Available |
2020 |
The symbolic life: Is it a gift? Lecture: The symbolic life: Is it a gift?
Ulanov, Ann Belford 1938- |
MFJ-106057 |
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Available |
2024 |
Archetypal dimensions of child-raising Lecture: Archetypal dimensions of child-raising
van Eenwyk, John |
MFJ-058897 |
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Available |
1999 |
Psychoid: The chaotic dynamics of individuation Lecture: Psychoid: The chaotic dynamics of individuation
van Eenwyk, John |
MFJ-057619 |
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Available |
2011 |
The archetypal dynamics of relationships Lecture: The archetypal dynamics of relationships
van Eenwyk, John |
MFJ-058450 |
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Available |
2000 |
The roots of violence: A Jungian perspective Lecture: The roots of violence: A Jungian perspective
van Eenwyk, John |
MFJ-059047 |
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Available |
1996 |
Archetypes, aesthetics & culture in the art of African Diaspora Lecture: Archetypes, aesthetics & culture in the art of African Diaspora
Vaughan, Alan |
MFJ-078330 |
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Available |
2022 |
The archetype of the foreigner — feared or embraced? Lecture: The archetype of the foreigner -- feared or embraced?
von Buchholtz, Jutta 1940- |
MFJ-049697 |
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Available |
2016 |
The healing power of fairy tales
von Buchholtz, Jutta 1940- |
MFJ-055848 |
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Available |
2019 |
The cry of Gaia: death into life Lecture: The cry of Gaia: death into life
Wagner, Suzanne |
MFJ-060287 |
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Available |
1986 |
The Salem witchcraft trials: An American shadow Lecture: The Salem witchcraft trials: An American shadow
Walcott, William O. |
MFJ-060215 |
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Available |
1988 |
Psyche and music Lecture: Psyche and music
Ward, Karlyn May |
MFJ-059016 |
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Available |
1996 |
Redeeming the dark feminine: Sophia to the Black Madonna Lecture: Redeeming the dark feminine: Sophia to the Black Madonna
Ward, Karlyn May |
MFJ-058083 |
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Available |
2002 |
Forging our individual and national character: The images of Anselm Kiefer as a portal into the nature of conscience Lecture: Forging our individual and national character: The images of Anselm Kiefer as a portal into...
West, Jacqueline |
MFJ-049828 |
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Available |
2016 |
The shadows and gifts of American narcissism Lecture: The shadows and gifts of American narcissism
West, Jacqueline |
MFJ-057629 |
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Available |
2010 |
Dual career marriages Lecture: Dual career marriages
Wheelwright, Joseph B. (Joseph Balch) 1906-1999 |
MFJ-060358 |
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Available |
1984 |
Intimacy Lecture: Intimacy
Wheelwright, Joseph B. (Joseph Balch) 1906-1999 |
MFJ-060386 |
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Available |
1983 |
Jung and the path to individuation through Indian spirituality Lecture: Jung and the path to individuation through Indian spirituality
Whitfield, Carol |
MFJ-057832 |
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Available |
2009 |
Courting experiences of the subtle body Lecture: Courting experiences of the subtle body
Wikman, Monika |
MFJ-049832 |
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Available |
2016 |
Dreams, life, death, and the alchemical wedding Lecture: Dreams, life, death, and the alchemical wedding
Wikman, Monika |
MFJ-069867 |
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Available |
2021 |
Psyche, soma, and the living imagination: Working with the somatic unconscious and healing states Lecture: Psyche, soma, and the living imagination: Working with the somatic unconscious and healing ...
Wikman, Monika |
MFJ-101113 |
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Available |
2024 |
The alchemical hunt for the green lion
Wikman, Monika |
MFJ-057019 |
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Available |
Magic, mutuality, and power Lecture: Magic, mutuality, and power
Willeford, William 1929-2015 |
MFJ-060369 |
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Available |
1983 |
Passion and irony in the blues Lecture: Passion and irony in the blues
Willeford, William 1929-2015 |
MFJ-060234 |
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Available |
1988 |
Closeness Lecture: Closeness
Wilmer, Harry A. 1917-2005 |
MFJ-060186 |
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Available |
1989 |
The conspiracy of silence: Secrets, confidentiality, and trust Lecture: The conspiracy of silence: Secrets, confidentiality, and trust
Wilmer, Harry A. 1917-2005 |
MFJ-059076 |
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Available |
1995 |
Spiritual longing and its shadow Lecture: Spiritual longing and its shadow
Wittine, Bryan 1948- |
MFJ-057991 |
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Available |
2004 |
The coming of light at times of darkness Lecture: The coming of light at times of darkness
Wittine, Bryan 1948- |
MFJ-058744 |
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Available |
2006 |
The mystical relationship of lover and beloved: Sufi and Jungian perspectives Lecture: The mystical relationship of lover and beloved: Sufi and Jungian perspectives
Wittine, Bryan 1948- |
MFJ-058673 |
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Available |
2008 |
Jacob and Esau Lecture: Jacob and Esau
Witzig, James S. (James Starr) |
MFJ-060384 |
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Available |
1983 |
Animal imagery in dreams Lecture: Animal imagery in dreams
Woloy, Eleanora M. |
MFJ-059429 |
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Available |
Men and women: Beyond the battle Lecture: Men and women: Beyond the battle
Woloy, Eleanora M. |
MFJ-059083 |
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Available |
1995 |
Addiction to perfection
Woodman, Marion |
MFJ-054373 |
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Available |
1984 |
Bone, dying into life: An OFJ special event
Woodman, Marion |
MFJ-052412 |
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Available |
2000 |
The evolution of Satan: Adversary and adversity Lecture: The evolution of Satan: Adversary and adversity
Yandell, James |
MFJ-059400 |
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Available |
1991 |
Hags and heroes Lecture: Hags and heroes
Young-Eisendrath, Polly 1947- And 1 other |
MFJ-060295 |
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Available |
1986 |
Relationship as a spiritual path: The present heart Lecture: Relationship as a spiritual path: The present heart
Young-Eisendrath, Polly 1947- |
MFJ-078951 |
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Available |
2022 |
The psychological and spiritual problem of giving yourself away Lecture: The psychological and spiritual problem of giving yourself away
Young-Eisendrath, Polly 1947- |
MFJ-058445 |
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Available |
2000 |
Creation and recreation: Ancient Egypt and modern life Lecture: Creation and recreation: Ancient Egypt and modern life
Zabriskie, Beverley |
MFJ-058959 |
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Available |
1998 |
Emotion: The moving force of experience
Zabriskie, Beverley |
MFJ-057046 |
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Available |
In the field of our dreams Lecture: In the field of our dreams
Zabriskie, Beverley |
MFJ-059001 |
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Available |
1997 |
Like Jacob and the angel: Jung’s confrontation with Christianity Lecture: Like Jacob and the angel: Jung’s confrontation with Christianity
Zabriskie, Philip T. |
MFJ-060227 |
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Available |
1988 |
Exploring the visual language of the unconscious Lecture: Exploring the Visual Language of the Unconscious
Zich, Jane |
MFJ-057584 |
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Available |
2012 |
Panther’s prints: Tracking the transcendent function through imagery
Zich, Jane |
MFJ-057027 |
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Available |
The father: Who is he? Lecture: The father: Who is he?
Zoja, Luigi 1943- |
MFJ-057928 |
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2005 |