More About Psychological Types

Jung’s seminal work on temperamental differences, Psychological Types (1921), introduced the idea that there are fundamental differences between individuals, differences that define the range of normal human functioning. Sixty-five years later, Jung’s terms “introversion”, “extroversion”, “thinking”, “feeling”, “sensation”, and “intuition” have become part of the international vocabulary for discussing human differences. Yet few people know how to use them with precision, and few understand how they belong to a scheme for the differentiation of consciousness within each individual. This lecture will attempt to make the archetype of differentiation implied by Jung’s theory of psychological types more explicit, so that individuals can apply it to their own inner and outer development.

A Workshop on Psychological Types

Dr. Beebe will show how one can establish one’s own type profile, and apply it to the understanding of one’s difficulties and advantages in relating to self and others. The practical applications of typology to certain specific situations will be the focus, with examples drawn from the seminar participants, who will learn to apply the theory to their own lives and to their in-seminar responses to each other.

Changing Relation Fantasies as Releasing Point in the Partnership

Our relationships are based on how we imagine a relationship – and our imaginations are most lively when we are in love. In our fantasies it is not only evident what our partners could mean for us, but we also imagine what can be loved in us.

Couples of gods-such as Shiva and Shakti, Ishtar and Tammuz, Zeus and Hera, Merlin and Viviane as well as Shulamit and Salome each symbolize a strange kind of love relationship, be this a symbiosis, a mother-son relationship, a controversial marriage, the relationship of elder man to young girl or the nowadays especially fascinating relationship of “brotherman” and “sisterwoman”. Crises in relationship often grow as our archetypal relation fantasies change.

A Workshop on Fairy Tales

This workshop is designed to help participants get in touch with a fairy tale by means of imagination and psychodrama and to experience the reality of the connection between the symbolic world of the fairy tales and the symbolic worlds of their own psyches. Some interpretation of the fairy tale will follow.

Key Stages of the Inner Journey

“You would not find the boundaries of the soul, even by traveling every path; so deep a measure does it have.”


The journey has long been a symbol for spiritual quest and for the desire for discovery, change, and renewal. To travel this journey is to see an internal experience of ourselves; a revisiting of our past, a reconnecting with lost dreams and a search for new ones. We undertake this journey or find ourselves on it often during times of darkness, loss, or yearning. As we struggle to move toward warmth and light we may find ourselves discovering the mysteries and depths of the soul.

The lecture will consist of an exploration of key stages in the inner journey as depicted in the art work and stories of children, adolescents and adults. Participants will have an opportunity for brief introspection, visualization and meditation on their experiences with these archetypal themes.

Workshop on the Inner Journey

Participants will be offered a context in which to explore and symbolize the nature of their recent or current journeys. Various processes of experiencing and representing will be employed: inner visualization and sensory techniques, art materials, body movement and words. Often a new environment, different methods or combinations of them can activate the light of insight and the warmth of renewed connection with the psyche. Participants will be encouraged to respect their appropriate level of privacy/openness with inner imagery.

Masculinity, Thief of Hearts

Great emphasis is currently being placed on the importance of the feminine in the development of the human personality. This lecture will examine the role of the masculine in the liberation of the human heart.

My Brother Cain

C.G. Jung introduced the concept of archetypes into modern psychology. He saw archetypes as patterns of instinctual behavior more or less the same everywhere and in everyone, and he found these archetypal patterns expressed in mythology, in literature and in dreams. This workshop will examine the archetypal motif of the hostile brothers, particularly as played out in the biblical myth of Cain, the rejected son condemned to exile for the murder of his brother Abel.

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